The Nuclear Science Division, a part of the Physical Sciences Area at Berkeley Lab, conducts basic research aimed at understanding the structure and interactions of nuclei and the forces of nature as manifested in nuclear matter – topics that align the Division with the national program as elucidated in the 2015 U.S. Nuclear Science Long Range Plan.
The Division has major programs in low energy nuclear science, including nuclear structure physics, studies of the heaviest elements, exotic nuclei and light radioactive beams, weak interactions, and nuclear reactions; relativistic heavy ion physics; nuclear theory; nuclear astrophysics and neutrino properties; data evaluation; and advanced instrumentation. The Division also operates the 88-Inch Cyclotron. The 88-Inch Cyclotron is the home of the Berkeley Accelerator Space Effects Facility (BASEF) and supports a local research program in nuclear science. The Nuclear Science Division continues to exploit new opportunities to enable cutting edge science and provides for science education of the general public and students at all levels.
Recent News
Raúl Briceño awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE)
Raúl Briceño, a faculty scientist in the Nuclear Theory Group awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers
Element 116 efforts featured in two articles
The recent success of efforts by staff in the Accelerator-Based Low-Energy Program to produce element 116, a critical milestone in the search for element 120, has garnered much attention.
NSD’s Nuclear Data Group becomes the Nuclear Data Program
The NSD is pleased to announce the reclassification of the Nuclear Data Group in the Low-Energy Program as the Nuclear Data Program! With this change comes the appointment of Lee Bernstein as the Nuclear Data Program Head and Mathis Wiedeking as Program Deputy.