The Nuclear Sciences Division (NSD) is committed to providing a safe workplace for its employees, contractors, and guests and conducting its research and operations in a manner that protects the environment. In conducting its operations and research, NSD meets or exceeds Berkeley Lab, University of California and US Department of Energy policies and requirements.
Problems or questions concerning safety, occupational health, or training may be directed to:
Jeff Bramble, NSD Safety Coordinator and Chair of the NSD Safety Committee (x6242)
Sam Harreschou, NSD’s ESH Rep (x5313)
Herb Toor, EHS Liason (x5198)
If you are experiencing an on-site emergency, Call X911. State your name, your location, and the nature of the emergency. Please indicate you are at Berkeley Lab.
Have you experienced a Near Hit? Please report all Near Hits here.
NSD Safety Information & Links