It is with deep sadness that we note the recent passing of retired NSD scientists Doug Greiner and Joe Cerny.
Doug Greiner will be remembered as a pioneer of experimental relativistic heavy-ion collisions, having worked on many key early experiments, including HISS at the Bevalac and NA-36 at CERN, before retiring in 1993. He had a particular interest in strangeness production in these collisions, having made early measurements of lambda production in sulfur-sulfur and sulfur-silver collisions. After retirement, Doug returned to the lab part-time, where he helped out with the construction of the STAR time projection chamber. Our thoughts are with his family, including his son Leo Greiner, who recently retired from the RNC program, and daughter-in-law Eleanor Judd, who works at Space Sciences Laboratory on the STAR detector trigger.

Joe Cerny will be remembered for his more than half a century of research and leadership at Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley. Before retiring in 2013 he was the former Division Director of the Nuclear Science Division and Associate Laboratory Director at Berkeley Lab, as well as Professor of Chemistry and former Chemistry Department chair, Graduate Division Dean, and Provost and Vice Chancellor for Research at UC Berkeley. He will be remembered for many notable achievements, including the Ernest Orlando Lawrence Memorial Award of the Atomic Energy Commission (predecessor of the U.S. Department of Energy) in 1974, for his “discovery of proton emission as a mode of radioactive decay, for investigation of the limits of nuclear stability of a number of light elements” – and, significantly – “for ingenious instruments that made these discoveries possible.”

Several NSD staff members and affiliates attended the April Meeting of the American Physical Society which was held in Sacramento during the first week of April where they delivered presentations on a range of topics.
NSD’s Alan Poon, the head of the Neutrinos Program, has been named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Alan has been recognized for his “important contributions towards the understanding of neutrino properties in search of physics beyond the Standard Model of particle physics.” Further details can be found here. Congratulations to Alan on this well-deserved award!

NSD celebrates several recent promotions. Heather Crawford was promoted to Senior Scientist, and Lee Bernstein was promoted to Faculty Senior Scientist. After open searches, Weronika Wolszczak was promoted to Research Scientist, and Emil Rofors was promoted to Career Track Research Scientist.
Congratulations also go to Carol Chien who celebrates 10 years of service at LBNL!