IDEA-Related Efforts & Resources in the Division
At a recent all-staff meeting, Tom Gallant from NSD’s IDEA Council summarized the many IDEA-related resources, groups, and activities that anyone in the division can participate in. He also reminded everyone about the purpose and makeup of the IDEA Council, an all-volunteer team from NSD who help people in the division engage in IDEA activities and connect and coordinate NSD efforts with the rest of the Physical Sciences Area and the lab.
One of the Council’s ongoing initiatives is the Luminary Card program, a system for peer-to-peer recognition of actions and efforts that support an inclusive, diverse and equitable workplace climate in NSD. Anyone (everyone!) in NSD can give a Luminary card (available in physical and virtual flavors) to a colleague within NSD or the broader research community. Please visit the website to learn more.
For those who are looking to hire, since 2021 NSDhas made specific funding available to cover the cost of posting jobs on underrepresented minority-targeted job posting boards. NSD’s partners in HR can help you access these funds. All hiring managers should be aware of these resources and understand that it is expected to post your positions to attract a diverse applicant pool. Remember though that while we work to identify and mitigate as many barriers as possible, we need to be cognizant of our own implicit biases and how they can adversely affect an applicant’s chances of success.
Another resource for NSD folks is the Physical Science Workplace Life Committee. They are a committee of representatives from across the Physical Sciences area that works to explore and address issues affecting workplace quality of life. They address challenging topics such as childcare for LBNL employees, work-life balance, promotion guidelines and many, many more. The current members from NSD are the PSWLC chair Brian Quiter, and Dan Kasen. Topics can be raised by talking with Brian and/or Dan or via their online form.
The Employee Resource Groups at LBNL are groups of employees who join together based on shared characteristics or life experiences to provide fellowships, friendship and support, enhance career and personal development, and contribute to the organization’s vision and goals. ERGs promote diversity and equity by raising awareness and ensuring that group members have a voice in the organization. Anyone can join an ERG, even if their identity does not match the focus of the group.
There are also many other ways that individual staff within NSD engage in education and outreach programs, including through the K-12 STEM Education programs and LBNL volunteer portal. As a division NSD leads in the area of volunteering!
And just a final reminder that if you have any IDEA-related suggestions, opportunities, or other issues, the IDEA Council is here to help. We can always be reached at NSD-IDEA-Council@lbl.gov.