Nuclear Science Division IDEA Council

The NSD IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accountability) Council was created in 2019 with the overarching goal(s) of:
- Engaging the division in IDEA activities in support of lab-wide IDEA efforts
- Contributing to the growth of IDEA activities and awareness at the lab
- Promoting a fair, safe, and inclusive workplace that encourages neurodiversity, productivity, and collaboration.
The IDEA council prepares the content for the IDEA minute for NSD staff meetings, as well as pushing forward broader and longer-term initiatives. We can be reached with feedback, suggestions, or comments at
Council Membership:
- Mark Bandstra
- Heather Crawford
- Tom Gallant (Co-Chair)
- Reiner Kruecken
- TD MacDonald
- Hannah Parrilla (Co-Chair)
- Ernst Sichtermann
NSD Internal Policy/Procedures
After-hours access policy
This policy excludes the 88-Inch Cyclotron as it maintains its own after-hours access policy. For information regarding after-hours access to the 88-Inch Cyclotron, please contact Kymba A’Hearn at x8888 (
To request after-hours access to one of the NSD buildings (excluding 88):
- A discussion with the group leader/program head requesting approval for after-hours access must take place.
- The individual or administrative contact should send an email to Tom Gallant ( stating:
- For whom is the request (name and employee ID)
- The reason after-hours access is necessary
- The building for which access is being requested
- Who is the Group Leader/Program Head
- The statement that the discussion with the individual’s group leader/program head has approved this request already (the group leader/program head should be cc’d on the email)
The following requirements must be met before after-hours access is given:
- Individual must have an active WPC (fully completed and approved)
- Training requirements pertaining to after-hours access must be completed
- If the individual will have access to any labs, all training pertaining to work in that lab must have been completed
- If the individual will only have access to office space, required ergonomic training must have been completed (If required by WPC)
To transfer property to another person:
Employee process:
- Identify new custodian and verify that they are willing to accept the property into their name.
- Verify current property location.
- Submit your request via email to your administrative support to change the custodian.
Administrative process:Contact the new custodian and verify the following –
- That they are willing to accept the property in their name.
- They are aware of and have verified where the property is located.
- If the equipment will have a “user” (someone who is not able to have property in their name, but will be the primary contact for the property).
- If the property will be taken offsite. If so, a property pass is needed. Instructions for this can be found below.
Update the property record under “Change Inventory Asset Information” with all verified information (custodian, location, user, and property pass) mentioned above. Admins are expected to resolve items that show up on the ‘Assets Assigned to Invalid Custodians’ and the ‘Asset(s) awaiting custodian assignment’ lists within two weeks of their appearance on the list(s).
To cannibalize property to be used in other equipment: (Please note, this requires approval prior to property destruction) Seek informal approval:
- Send an email to cc:,, and your administrative assistant requesting permission to cannibalize equipment.
- Provide a solid justification as to why you wish to cannibalize the item to be used in other pieces of DOE property or parts of a DOE experiment. If it is inoperable or unusable in its current form, document that.
- Include the DOE number and a description of what the item is you are requesting to cannibalize.
- Wait for a reply from Dave McFann with approval to cannibalize the equipment.
Once approval is obtained:
- Fill out the Request to Retire Personal Property form (available here)
- Under – Property Management Retirement Criteria
- check either “Cannibalized” or “Incorporated – Larger System” (See page 2 for the description of each criteria)
- Fill out the “submitted by” section complete with property number
- Under – Justification for Retirement
- Include a really good justification as to why the unit should be retired. Can be the same justification you used earlier.
- Under – Property Management Retirement Criteria
- Print page 1 of the form. Remove the DOE sticker from the unit and attach it to the form next to the Property Number.
- Sign the form under Property Custodian and mail it to Tom Gallant, BLDG 50R4049
- As long as you’ve received prior approval from Dave McFann, the unit is now free for cannibalization.
To salvage/excess property:
Employee process:
- Review the list of hazards here (TAF Sample.pdf). If any of the listed hazards are present, you are required to process steps 1-2 of the administrative process below. Your administrative staff cannot complete the hazard statements for you.
- If no hazards are present – Submit your request via email to your administrative support to salvage the property. You must state that no hazards are present in the body of the email or your request will be denied. Please include the DOE number and current location.
Administrative process:Complete a Transportation Move Work Request –
- Click the “Salvage?” checkbox. Do not enter a Project ID. Salvage pickup is free. (Information about the free salvage process is available here (PDF)
- In “Detailed Description box” enter all DOE numbers of items going to salvage in the detailed description for a record of the request. and include the statement “Transportation driver should sign and leave a copy of the Equipment Movement Tag for tracking purposes.”
Complete an Equipment Movement Tag – (Contact Property Management for blank forms)
- Destination: Salvage, Building 79, Room 101.
- List all DOE numbers. (Use multiple forms is needed.)
- Do not sign the form.
One week after the items have been picked up, please check that the items have been removed from your custodian’s list.
To request approval to take property offsite:
Employee Process:
Fill out the Property Pass – Division Authorization for Offsite Use – Form (available here)
- Under – Purpose
- Telecommute – Requires a formal telecommute agreement be in place with HR. Please contact our HR office at Please note that a formal telecommute agreement must be supported by your supervisor.
- Take on Travel – Property in question will be used both on and offsite.
- Offsite Research – Equipment to be left at another location where an experiment is based. Supervision of the equipment must be maintained by an LBNL employee at all times.
- Sign the form under Employee Signature and then have your supervisor sign off on it as well.
- Give the form to your administrative support for processing.
Administrative Process:
Upon receipt of an approved Property Pass – Division Authorization for Offsite Use – Form
- Assign a Division Tracking Number:
- For Telecommute and Take on Travel purposes the Division Tracking Number is the Employee ID number of the requesting employee.
- For Offsite Research purposes, the Division Tracking Number is the primary experiment name (e.g. CUORE, KamLAND)
- Update the property record under “Change Inventory Asset Information”
- Enter the DOE Property Numbers listed on the Property Pass
- In the “Document*” field include the following information – (double-click to edit)
- Document Type – Property Pass (Use drop down menu)
- Identifier – Enter the Division Tracking Number
- Organization – NS (Use drop down menu)
- Hit save, then hit save again (confirmation displays at the bottom of the window).
- After entry into sunflower is done, mail completed form with Division Tracking Number to Tom Gallant, BLDG 50R4049.
After property has returned to LBNL
- Remove the Property Pas from the property record under “Change Inventory Asset Information”
- Enter the DOE Property Numbers listed on the Property Pass
- Put a check mark in the box next to the “Document*” field (leave content blank)
- Hit save and the property pass should be cleared.
- After clearing the record from sunflower, email Tom Gallant ( and let him know the property pass identifier so the file can be purged.
Employees that neglect to sign timecards electronically (either employee signature or supervisor signature) are required to print and sign the PDF emailed to them from the LETS system after the timekeeping sweep. These physical timecards must be given to their timekeeper no later than the 10th of the following month. The timekeeper then has until the 15th to file the document electronically.
Document Retention: After logging receipt of the document in the timekeeping system, admins should mail the signed timecards to Kymba A’Hearn at 88R0192 no later than the next business day.
Retiree Space Policy
Policy Summary: It is the goal of this policy to provide guidance for management of space for retirees in the Nuclear Science Division.
For the purpose of this policy, the retiree designation will be broken into 2 categories.
- Rehired Retirees
- Guest retirees (affiliates)
Rehired Retirees: This is a paid position within the division valid for 1 year. Because this is essentially an employee class position, office space may be provided at the discretion of the group leader.
Guest retirees: Per LBNL space policy, Divisions are given 10% of their space allotment to accommodate all of their guests, including retirees. The expectation would be that non-rehired retirees share office space. The shared office may have one phone. Document storage space should be kept to a minimum to encourage digitization of documents or archiving with the Archives and Records Office. Retirees who are only occasionally present may be provided “hotel” space with a desk and chair that is shared by other occasional guests, while retirees who are present on a daily basis may be provided with their own desk and chair in a shared office configuration.
Current retirees should be transitioned to this new policy as office changes occur, at the request of their group leader, or on a voluntary basis; whichever comes first.
Travel Process/Policy
All travel must comply with the travel policy. The instructions below are additional requirements specific to the Nuclear Science Division.
To request domestic travel:
- A discussion with the group leader requesting approval for domestic travel must take place.
- In the Trip Comments section of your travel authorization document, the following phrase is required “I have obtained prior Group/Program Leader approval for this trip”.
- You must add your group leader’s email address to the Additional Notification Emails box in the domestic travel authorization.
- The Travel Office is to be notified immediately when dates of travel or business locations change.
- While domestic travel is auto-approved in the TREX system, your Program Head/Group Leader has the final say if approval is granted.
To request foreign travel:
- Foreign authorizations should be submitted by the traveler for division approval at least 35 days prior to the trip start date. This will give division management adequate time to review all foreign travel prior to approval.
- To request foreign travel approval, the following conditions must be met:
- A discussion with the group leader requesting approval for foreign travel must take place.
- In the Trip Comments section of your travel authorization document, the following phrase is required “I have obtained prior Group/Program Leader approval for this trip”.
- You must add your group leader’s email address to the Additional Notification Emails box in the foreign travel authorization.
- All foreign travel must have a detailed trip description and benefit to LBNL/DOE.
- The description and benefit must include the following:
- What doesn’t get done if the trip is not approved?
- How does that impact the Lab or DOE?
- Additional info that could further justify that the trip is essential and mission-critical.
- Foreign travel authorizations should be routed to Tom Gallant for approval. Authorizations that do not include the required detailed information will be returned, delaying the travel approval.
- The Travel Office ( and cc: is to be notified immediately when dates of travel or business locations change. – Failure to notify the travel office of changes can result in costs in excess of the originally approved dates to be disallowed.
To request travel reimbursement:
- Expense reports (foreign and domestic) should be routed to the appropriate Program Head/Group Leader (depending on local program policy).
- Foreign trip reports and abstracts are no longer required.
- If the State Department contacts you directly for a trip report, please notify Elijah Walker ( as soon as possible.
- An agenda and presentation (if applicable) are required for all travel requests that include conference attendance. If the presentation is not available, DOE has agreed to accept an outline, abstract, or brief summary in lieu of. Note: Final presentation must be submitted to the Travel Office along with expense report. Presentations need to be submitted to Please be sure to include the LBNL Trip# in the subject line.
- Expense reports are to be submitted within 30 days of return.
- DOE-HQ may immediately disapprove of an upcoming foreign travel request if an individual has one or more previous trips outstanding for more than 61 days.
Event Travel:
Travel to events that may be deemed conferences require a separate level of approval outside of the travel system (TREX). Your administrative staff must enter each event that qualifies as a conference for approval into the Attend Event Request (AER) system. Travel authorizations are cross-checked against this system to verify conference travel approval prior to foreign travel approval being granted. To expedite approvals, administrative staff list the AER number in the comments box of each trip containing conference travel. It is critical that you alert your administrative staff to event travel early to prevent delays in foreign travel authorization approval.
Forms & Documents
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