Berkeley Lab
Bringing Science Solutions to the World

Many of the superheavy elements discovered in the last few decades were produced by bombarding heavy-element targets with high-current beams of neutron-rich isotopes like 48Ca.  We need ion beams of yet-more-massive neutron-rich elements to extend the periodic table further using similar methods.  The Ion Source Group in Building 88 has been using the superconducting electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source VENUS to develop 50Ti beams to address this need.

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Figure 1. The superconducting electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source VENUS.

Many of the superheavy elements discovered in the last few decades were produced by bombarding heavy-element targets with high-current beams of neutron-rich isotopes like 48Ca.  We need ion beams of yet-more-massive neutron-rich elements to extend the periodic table further using similar methods.  The Ion Source Group in Building 88 has been using the superconducting electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source VENUS to develop 50Ti beams to address this need.

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Figure 1. The superconducting electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source VENUS.

Many of the superheavy elements discovered in the last few decades were produced by bombarding heavy-element targets with high-current beams of neutron-rich isotopes like 48Ca.  We need ion beams of yet-more-massive neutron-rich elements to extend the periodic table further using similar methods.  The Ion Source Group in Building 88 has been using the superconducting electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion source VENUS to develop 50Ti beams to address this need.

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Luminary card message example

Here is an example of a message to send along with a Luminary Card:

“I wanted to reach out and thank you for *INSERT REASON FOR GIVING*.

The Nuclear Science Division has a way of giving meaningful thanks around the areas of Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accountability. I would like to present you with a Luminary Card, not just for your efforts in *INSERT REASON FOR GIVING*, but for the overall support that you provide for global IDEA efforts. It is greatly appreciated!

Please consider registering your card on our website.  We like to promote recognition in our division newsletter.”

ANP Article Featured in PRR

The Applied Nuclear Physics Program recently had an article, “Determining urban material activities with a vehicle-based multi-sensor system”, featured in Physical Review Research (PRR).

Current Newsletter

Nuclear Science Division IDEA Council

The NSD IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, Accountability) Council was created in 2019 with the overarching goal(s) of:

The IDEA council prepares the content for the IDEA minute for NSD staff meetings, as well as pushing forward broader and longer-term initiatives. We can be reached with feedback, suggestions, or comments at

Council Membership: