The Nuclear Science Division welcomes a cohort of summer interns.
The summer is upon us, and with the longer daylight hours, NSD has welcomed a new cohort of summer interns. This year, the division is hosting nine interns who come from universities all across the country and are working on projects in the 88-inch Cyclotron, Neutrinos, Applied Nuclear Physics, and Low Energy programs.
Six of the summer students are sponsored by the underGraduate Research Educational Academic Traineeships in Nuclear Science (GREAT-NS) program, an outreach initiative funded by the DOE Office of Science (now the RENEW programs), and run by a collaboration of NSD staff. Others are participating in the DOE Office of Science’s Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internships (SULI) and the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Minority Serving Institutions Internship Program (MSIIP).
At a recent all-hands staff meeting we also heard a talk from Faith Dukes, who is the director of LBL’s K-12 STEM Education Programs office. She gave us tips for working with high school interns, such as what to expect of their educational profile, what software platforms they may be familiar with, and the need to communicate clear boundaries and expectations. And that to help them learn, we should allow them to work through hard problems while providing appropriate encouragement.
Best of luck to our summer students, we hope this summer is an inspiring and formative time. And for the staff, be sure to introduce yourselves and welcome our interns!